Saturday, April 19, 2008


Ok, so I'm waiting for my laundry to get done so I can put it in the dryer and so I thought I'd sit down and write to my dear bloggie...


Here's the story:

Before I left for Utah my mother had been looking for a job for me. She looked all over the internet, but mostly on She found several and one that we both liked was for a secretary at a place that supplies textbooks to Utah and Idaho and I think one other state. I sent them my resume and they responded so we emailed a little back and forth. In the end I wanted more than they were willing to pay me, but I was honestly just trying to negotiate. I was starting high to see what they were going for. So they didn't hire me. Oh well.

But, when I got here and started looking for a job my mother suggested that I email them again just to see if they were still hiring someone. I did and they had already hired someone for the position. But they were hiring for a general warehouse person to pull orders and get books sent out to the schools. I thought "ok, why not." I went over and filled out an application a week or so ago. I hadn't heard anything until late in the afternoon yesterday. The guy called and said that if I was still interested they would like to know if I could start next week. WHAT????? I called him back and had to leave him a message because he wasn't at his desk. He called me back a little while later and wanted to know if I was interested and if I could start on Monday.....WHAT????? So I kind of sat there and was like, huh? But I didn't really know anything about it so I asked him what the hours and pay were. It's full time and not the best amount of pay, but it's more than I was getting last week, as my dad likes to say. So, I'm starting on Monday. I can wear whatever I want and they will probably have lots of overtime. YEAH!!!

So there you go. I have a job. I'm not really excited about it but it's something.

I just hope I don't die trying to do it. I'm out of shape!!!!!!


Rhia Jean said...

Woo-hoo! Hey, it may not be the best thing in the whole wide world, but 1)you get to wear whatever you want...bonus! and 2)you never know what doors this job my open for you. Okay and 3)I think you are excited because you used a lot of exclamation points!!!!

Erica said...

Since we talked on the phone I have so many more jokes.

"Sooo....Can I make a deposit?"
I'm gonna stop there cause they get much worse now that i'm thinking about it.

"Reading does a body good!!"

Don't worry boss (lifting shirt) the only thing ripped is my abs!

jenny said...

T, you are a BAD GIRL!!! I love it.

Rhia, I think I did use a lot of exclamation points. Here are some more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, that's enough!!
hehe, jk

Alison said...

Congratulations, my dear!

And Erica--all I can say to your first quote on your comment is . . . that's what he said. hehehehehehe. ;)

Erica said...

Woman- would you update this already? I'm just sayin

Erika said...

Way to go! Glad things are working out.